News tagged "NMN"

We sure take pride in the products that we have to offer here, at NMN Bio.
Continuous customer feedback and support help us to grow and improve and we certainly love video reviews from experts within the health field.
The most recent review of our NMN was shared by a certified brain health professional, Greg, (from Your Inception), on his YouTube channel.
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Mental health affects everything. According to the WHO mental health statistics, 1 in 5 adults lives with a mental health illness. In the last decade, there has been a rise in mental health illnesses by 13 % (till 2017), predicted to have increased further during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Having struggled with anxiety myself, I appreciate the importance of why mental health is essential and finding simple ways to improve it. More researchers have been invested in mental health.
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One thing is certain following the pandemic – everyone’s screen time is up. We have so much to thank our electronics for – on some days it became the only way to see loved ones. But is the shift to online taking its toll on our minds and bodies? YouTube physical and mental health expert David Florence certainly thinks it is, declaring “Too much tech has definitely made Dave a dull boy!” so he’s increasing his physical activity with a plan alongside this to give his body exactly what it needs to best repair itself as well.

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