Peter Attia & His Top Longevity Supplements Uncovered

Who is Peter Attia MD?
Peter Attia is a MD who studies the science of living longer and healthier.
He’s an entrepreneur and investor who has shared his supplement stack publicly.
He’s big on health and wellness and his supplement stack supports his active lifestyle. On his podcast ‘Peter Attia Drive’ he goes deep into his daily supplement regimen.
Peter Attia on Multivitamins and Supplements
Peter Attia doesn’t take multivitamins because of the potential for too much or too little of everything.
He takes a targeted approach to supplementing, focusing on specific nutrients and vitamins. Peter Attia’s supplements are designed to support health and longevity but may not be right for everyone.
He makes an exception for Athletic Greens’ AG1 which has a ton of vitamins and minerals.
Peter Attia’s Top Supplements
Omega-3 Fish Oil
Peter Attia takes Omega-3 fish oil to support his cognitive function and overall health.
He recommends Omega-3 to his patients who don’t eat fatty fish regularly.
He takes 4 capsules of Carlson fish oil which has 2 grams of EPA and 1.5 grams of DHA.
Omega-3 fish oil has been shown to reduce inflammation, lower cortisol and boost glutathione production.
Experts recommend eating fatty fish once a week.
Peter Attia takes Magnesium to support his cognitive function and overall health. He recommends Magnesium oxide and citrate forms which are poorly absorbed by the body. He takes Magnesium chloride which is well absorbed by the body and can cross the blood brain barrier. He highlights the importance of elemental magnesium for brain health and absorption. Magnesium can also help with blood pressure. Peter categorizes magnesium into three types: oxide and citrate forms, magnesium chloride and magnesium L-threonate. Magnesium is important for bone health, muscle function and nerve function.
Vitamin D
Peter Attia recommends Vitamin D to his patients who don’t get enough sunlight.
He takes Vitamin D to keep his levels in the 40-60 ng/ml range.
He recommends getting blood tests to check Vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D is important for building bones, producing testosterone, reducing cancer cell growth and reducing inflammation.
Protein Powder
Peter Attia takes protein powder to hit his protein macros.
He recommends combining flavorless and flavored protein powder to achieve his goals.
He takes 50 grams of protein powder per day.
He aims to hit the upper end of the protein recommendations for active individuals at 2.2g/kg or 1g/pound of protein per day.
Green Powder - AG1
Peter Attia talks about Athletic Greens’ AG1 on his podcast.
He recommends taking AG1 to support his overall health.
He takes 1 scoop per day to support his overall health.
AG1 is a greens powder with a ton of vitamins, minerals and health goodies.
Supplements for Sleep and Relaxation
Peter Attia takes supplements when traveling across time zones to sleep early.
He recommends Melatonin, Phosphatidylserine and Glycine supplements to sleep early.
Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that can help you fall asleep faster.
Ashwagandha can reduce inflammation and help you sleep.
Supplements for Cognitive Function
Peter Attia talks about Alzheimer’s disease and the relationship between chronic inflammation, cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease and how to preserve cognitive function into old age. He mentions dietary supplements such as methylated B12 and theracurmin to manage or mitigate the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
He recommends taking Theracurmin, Magnesium L-Threonate and Cocoa Extract supplements to support his cognitive function. B vitamins especially B6, B12 and folate are important for managing homocysteine levels, an amino acid that affects cognitive health.
Magnesium L-threonate may help with mild cognitive impairment and sleep.
Experimental Drugs and Other Considerations
Peter Attia takes Rapamycin to support his healthspan and lifespan. This controversial, immunosuppressant drug has been utilised as a healthspan extension compound by biohackers all around the world. However, it is worth noting that the reason for its use is the autophagy activating effect. Autophagy however, can be activated through multiple pathways. Rapamycin suppresses mTOR to activate autophagy. mTOR is also responsible for growth and translation. Therefore, it is desirable to activate autophagy in an mTOR-independent manner through other molecular pathways. This can be achieved with other compounds like Spermidine, Trehalose etc.
He recommends 8 mg per week.
He notes Rapamycin can interact with other medications and have side effects.
He also takes Ezetimibe, Rapatha and Bempedoic acid to reduce his cardiovascular disease risk.
Peter Attia’s supplement routine is designed to support his active lifestyle and overall health and wellness.
He recommends a targeted approach to supplementing, focusing on specific nutrients and vitamins.
His supplement routine includes a mix of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are evidence based.