Take back your energy and focus
Our bodies require peak-functioning cells for optimum health and vitality. Yet, as soon as we turn 25, declining hormones and a decrease in the production of mitochondria causes vital cells to age, leading to tiredness and lack of concentration. Our Longevity Starter Pack combines our 3 best-selling products, that aim to decrease fatigue, balance several important processes in your cells, to ensure you feel rejuvenated every day, and you effectively counteract aging as much as possible
Aging cells affect core processes such as energy production, which is the cause of that post-lunch energy crash. Those ageing cells affect metabolism, which depends on the production of NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) and can be blamed for how much harder it is to shift those excess pounds. NAD+ decline also impacts the longevity genes SIRTUINS which regulate DNA repair, which is why those post-workout recoveries are so much harder and late evenings become a thing of the past.
The high purity of NMN Bio Ltd’s NMN enables you to efficiently restore declining NAD+ levels, to repair energy and concentration levels and fight the signs of ageing.
We extensively 3rd party test our products at each batch, guaranteeing your NMN is of a pharmaceutical grade, with a purity of more than 99%, that is an allergen-free and vegan product. Providing this premium quality NMN ensures superior bioavailability to boost your NAD+ levels as effectively as possible, which leads to not only increased energy, but the benefits of a plethora of vital cellular functions – and can even add years to your life.
Why should I start my Anti-Aging Journey with the Longevity Starter Pack?
NMN Bio is a UK-based company founded by a scientist Dr Elena Seranova. Every product we launch is a vital component of an optimal anti-aging routine, to slow down the aging process, make your cells happy, and ensure that you support your longevity goals in the long-term. With the Longevity Starter Pack, you can ensure that you’re getting the combination of the most effective, anti-aging supplements on the market, backed by the NMN Bio Quality Guarantee.
Why is taking TMG along with NMN important?
NMN has been proven to provide anti aging benefits by enhancing the function of our sirtuins and PARPS. From DNA repair to inflammation control these essential elements love NMN. The importance of methylation in DNA expression and bodily functions is well documented too.
TMG has been approved by the FDA to lower homocysteine in our blood plasma which can help fight off cardiovascular issues. TMG has also been shown to support our bodies’ methyl pool by donating methyl groups to it. NMN & TMG work well together because NMN-induced NAD+ production requires the use of the methylation process, a process that TMG can support.
NMN and TMG together offer one of the best ways to activate and maintain the healthy function of our anti aging processes.
Quercetin: Clear out old, decaying cells for optimum function and keep your immune function healthy.
Quercetin is a natural flavonoid with a potent ability to clear out senescent cells from the body. As we age, large numbers of old (or senescent) cells linger throughout tissues in the body. Quercetin helps clear out the remains of those decaying zombie cells, acting as a detoxifying agent and improving the overall function of the body. Moreover, Quercetin intake is associated with:
- Better cardiovascular health
- Enhanced kidney function
- Decreased inflammation
- A decline in harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS or free radicals that damage your cells).
By acting as an anti-inflammatory agent, quercetin can also help maintain a healthy respiratory tract for seasonal allergy sufferers. Combine that with Vitamin C (which our Quercetin formula already contains!), and you increase your chances of maintaining a healthy immune system, while keeping inflammation at bay. Quercetin is shown to activate the anti-oxidant pathway called NRF2, which has been characterised as the major mechanism that protects our bodies from damaging reactive oxygen species.
NMN and Quercetin Human Clinical Trials
NMN has been proven safe in high dosages up to 1.2g a day in human clinical studies. Furthermore, multiple health benefits have been demonstrated in humans as well. A study in prediabetic, postmenopausal, obese, or overweight women showed that after 10 weeks of NMN supplementation, the volunteers had increased insulin sensitivity. Same study showed that NMN supplementation was able to stimulate the collagen production pathway, suggesting the compound's role in healthy aging (and appearance of skin). A study in elderly men over 65 showed that NMN supplementation protects against age-related muscle loss. Another study in healthy, adult volunteers of both sexes confirmed that NMN increases endurance, cardiovascular fitness and aerobic capacity in amateur runners. Moreover, a recent study in both humans and mice, demonstrated lengthening of telomeres in both humans and mice after NMN supplementation. Telomeres are the caps at the end of our chromosomes and are essential for cellular health and healthy aging. The longer they are, the more we live!
Quercetin has been proven safe in high doses up 1000mg to in human clinical studies, with a high number of studies showing no or few adverse effects and/ or toxicity. In one study, 84 patients with idiopathic hypertension and gout took 1000mg quercetin twice a day for 6 months and then 500mg twice a day for another 6 months (12 months in total). Results showed improvement of cardiac diastolic function, purine metabolism, renal function and normalization of blood pressure. Another study saw 50 women with rheumatoid arthritis who took 500mg quercetin a day for 8 weeks display lower plasma levels and lessened pain.
Safety study in healthy Japanese men
Efficacy study in elderly men (over 65), showing protection against age-related muscle loss
Quercetin as an antiinflammatory analgesic.
WHO - Cardiovascular diseases.
Role of quercetin in cardiovascular diseases.
Therapeutic potential of quercetin as a cardiovascular agent.
Antioxidant Activities of Quercetin and Its Complexes for Medicinal Application.

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How much NMN should I take?
If you're younger than 35, you can start with 250mg/day and after 1-2weeks increase to 500mg to see what feels better.If you're older than 35, start with 500mg/day, then increase to 1g to see what feels better.
What can amplify the effect of NMN supplementation?
Along with your NMN, take one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in the morning. Oleic acid, one of the ingredients in olive oil, is also shown to activate theSIRTUINS, the so-called longevity genes.In addition, by supplementing with TMG (Trimethylglycine), you increase the methyl groups available in the cell (which NMN utilises). Adding TMG to your NMN supplementation is an excellent way to boost NMN efficiency and ensure balanced homocysteine levels.
What is the optimal NMN to TMG ratio?
This depends on your age and your individual genetics. Usually people start with a 1:1 ration of NMN and TMG. To ensure optimal methylation (as NMN utilises methyl groups to work its magic in your body), you can eventually (in 3-6 weeks) increase the ratio to 1:2, meaning that for each 500mg of NMN, you would need 1g of TMG. If you are supplementing with NMN for a long time already, you can start with 1:2 ratio, and then increase the ratio to 1:3 (1g of NMN to be taken with 3g of TMG). This can be done after about a month on the 1:2 ratio.
Why are there Vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids in your Quercetin formula?
Vitamin C prevents the oxidation of Quercetin, ensuring that it stays in it’s reduced form, which in turn makes Quercetin more efficient as an antioxidant, while boosting it’s bioavailability. Vitamin C is found in nature in the presence of citrus bioflavonoids, and hence, their addition optimises the efficiency of Vitamin C. The combination of Vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids boosts the antioxidant capacity of our blend, and this in turn, optimises the effect of Quercetin.
How much Quercetin should I take and when?
Take around 500mg of Quercetin per day, with your first or second meal of the day. This dosage has been shown to be safe and effective in humans.