When to take Quercetin, Berberine and TMG.

Diet, Supplements and Bioavailability
Diet is a big part of our everyday lives. It's where we get all our energy from and how we help our body function and feel good. Scientists have looked closely at which vitamins and minerals are vital for our bodies and have researched the best time to take supplements and for which conditions. Supplements provide all the benefits without any nasty side effects. Do you want to feel more energised? Take Berberine, Quercetin, TMG or NMN. Do you want to slow down the ageing process? Take NMN, TMG, Quercetin or Berberine. Do you want to improve your athletic performance? Take TMG and Quercetin. Would you like to balance your sugar and cholesterol levels? Berberine is the supplement you need. The list of benefits goes on.
This article will look into when to take Quercetin, Berberine and TMG and the best times to take them to get the most out of your supplements.
When is the best time to take supplements? Usually, we can take supplements at any time of the day, but sometimes it may vary. The time to take supplements, providing the optimum benefits varies on the type of supplement and their bioavailability. Some work better on an empty stomach, while others need to be taken with/after a meal. Bioavailability is how much of a given dose is absorbed by the body when ingested. There are two types of supplements, water-soluble and non-water-soluble. Water-soluble supplements include vitamins C, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), NMN (B3 derivative), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9), cobalamin (B12). Water-soluble vitamins need to be taken more frequently but don't need to be taken with food. Non-water-soluble/fat-soluble supplements need fats for proper absorption, therefore should be taken after a meal.
Let's look at some of NMN Bio's best-selling supplements.
What is Berberine and when to take it?
Berberine is the newest addition to our supplements. It is a bioactive molecule with high solubility in water. Berberine has abundant health benefits; it is a blood sugar-reducing molecule. It helps with weight loss, lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease, has antidepressant properties, and is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It also helps fight bacterial, viral, and fungal infections and reduce fatty acid build-up in the liver. NMN Bio’s Berberine is 400 mg and combined with Milk Thistle, enhancing Berberine's benefits. Take 1-2 capsules a day with or straight after a meal. The half-life of Berberine is only a few hours, so you could either take one capsule twice a day or if you want to push your body into autophagy in the second half of the day, you can just take 2 capsules after your last meal of the day. Read the article here if you'd like to learn more about all the benefits and research on Berberine and Milk Thistle.
What is Quercetin, and when to take it?
Naturally found in plant-based food like capers, peppers, onions, shallots, tomatoes, apples, broccoli and kale, Quercetin can also be taken in supplements. Quercetin is not water-soluble and has low bioavailability; therefore, supplements are usually found in combination with other vitamins like vitamin C. The NMN Bio’s supplement of Quercetin is 250mg combined with Vitamin C and Citrus Bioflavonoids. This formula aids with absorption and provides the benefits of vitamin C. Vitamin C has a powerful antioxidant action and strengthens immunity. You can read more about all the fantastic benefits and research on Quercetin here. The recommended dosage of Quercetin is 500 mg a day. The benefits include helping improve inflammation, blood pressure, exercise performance, and managing blood sugar levels. It is also a natural antihistamine, an added advantage during spring and summer. If you are suffering from seasonal allergies, take 250mg of Quercetin up to 4 times a day, every 3-4 hours. Quercetin would be better absorbed after a meal or with something fatty like yoghurt or extra virgin olive oil, as it’s fat-soluble.
Detox protocol: to take advantage of the maximum detox effect of Quercetin, take 2-2.5g of Quercetin for 5 days a month (after a meal in the afternoon) to flush out the senescent (zombie) cells from your muscles and internal organs for optimal functionality. Some people report a headache at such a high dosage. You might consider starting with taking 500mg of Quercetin every day for a month, then taking 1g a day for 5 days, then taking 2-2.5g a day in your next 5-day detox cycle.
Done your first 5-day detox cycle and feel great? Want to amp up the effect even more? Take 250mg of chlorella daily during these 5 detox days to flush out the heavy metals as well!
Is there anything else to optimise the effect of Quercetin further?
As Quercetin is a fat soluble compound, it's better to always take it with or after a meal to prevent any stomach upsets.
Quercetin for immunity: Take Quercetin with Zinc (10-30mg). Quercetin is a Zinc ionophore, meaning that it helps Zinc to get into your cells and support the immune system during the winter months.
What is Trimethylglycine (TMG), and when to take it?
Last but certainly not least, let's take a look at trimethylglycine. TMG, a highly water-soluble complex, is found most abundantly naturally in beetroot, and TMG provides methyl groups. Methyl groups are needed for essential bodily functions and to protect cells from stress. The molecules aid digestion, protect the liver, enhance muscle growth, increase energy levels and have anti-ageing properties. The lack of methyl groups can cause inflammation, depression, and cognitive decline, among other diseases, because they are needed for detoxification and metabolism. David Sinclair, a pioneer in longevity research, suggests taking TMG with NMN for the anti-ageing best results together with NMN and Quercetin. The recommended daily dose is 1000 mg, preferably in the mornings before or after food. Our customers adding TMG to their NMN supplementation report increased endurance at the gym and increased muscle gain, likely due to the synergistic effect of the two supplements.
Main takeaways
Supplements have many benefits in improving our health and quality of life. It is essential to notice whether the supplements you are taking are better on an empty stomach or with food for you. Taking supplements in the morning, after your first meal, will help set your energy for the rest of the day and to prevent digestion issues and avoid spikes of the supplement. Taking the supplements at the correct dosage helps to provide the maximum benefits of the supplement. All of our supplements have been extensively researched and are safe to take. However, it is always recommended to discuss your intake with your doctor. In an upcoming article, we will look at the benefits of supplements for improving mental health. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter to get the article straight to your inbox!
Nothing mentioned in this article is considered medical advice. Always consult with your doctor first, before taking any supplements.
Resources and Further reading
When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamins? (healthline.com)
Application of Berberine on Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (hindawi.com)
Milk thistle in liver diseases: past, present, future - PubMed (nih.gov)
What Is Quercetin? Benefits, Foods, Dosage, and Side Effects (healthline.com)
Health effects of Quercetin: from antioxidant to nutraceutical - PubMed (nih.gov)
Quercetin: A flavonol with multifaceted therapeutic applications? - PubMed (nih.gov)
Vitamin Time: How to Schedule Your Supplement Intake for Best Effect (intrepidwellbeing.com)
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